(Porteous Associates #941)

Contains 719 individuals with 150 surnames

Surname Index
Names Index
Ref Number Index
Recent Changes

This site contains the family members associated with John Murray Porteous,
and is also family #941 in the details compiled by The Porteous Associates
Details of living people have been obscured from the public site.
This is also available on Ancestry under tree "porteous",
although some detail may be different
This updated version was compiled from a GEDCOM file output from RootsMagic.
The main change is that it now includes source details from
both Ancestry and RootsMagic.
The display of source images may not work on some brousers,
they have not been scaled down to give max detail.
GEDCOM_2_HTML.EXE version 2 (Beta)
Corrections or additions to the data please email

HTML created by GedCom_2_HTML on 15/09/2021.